DIVE-BOMBING seagulls have imprisoned a terrified Inverkeithing couple - and their three-legged dog - in their own home.

The angry birds have been swooping down on residents in Hillfield Crescent, sending Kay Flett all of a flutter.

Hubby Jimmy said, "I thought the wife was exaggerating but when I went out with the dog I damn near got the fright of my life.

"As soon as you get to the corner of Hillfield Road, you can see the seagulls standing on the chimney pots.

"The first thing you hear is the sound in your ear - one swooped down inches from my head, it was lucky I had my walking stick to fend it off.

"I'm 73 now and nothing scares me ... but that scared me.

"We can't go out now and I've got a dog, a three-legged boxer called Jamie, that needs to do his business!" He added, "The gulls are nesting on the roof of a neighbour's house and I think the chicks must have hatched in the last few days.

"The woman there says they've dive-bombed her every time she goes out of the door.

"Kay went down to the council but they said it's wildlife and they can't do anything about it.

"I'm just wondering who's going to pay the compensation when one of these gulls hurts someone." Fife Council service manager Elaine Devine said, "Some gulls have learnt to associate people with food and will swoop down on�them to try and�steal whatever it is that is being eaten.

"This can be frightening, especially where children are involved.

"Current legislation does allow owners of property to take action against nesting gulls, where they are causing problems impacting on public safety, and this can include egg and nest removal." She added, "It is important that the public do not feed gulls and we have erected signs in certain areas to highlight the problems they can cause.

"Council officers will also visit householders who feed birds inappropriately at home, such as scattering bread and other waste food on their lawns.

"Apart from the nuisance this can cause neighbours, such practices can also attract vermin and we would urge people that like to feed small garden birds to�only use�proper bird feeders."