A DUNFERMLINE councillor has raised her concerns to Scottish Water over repeated water outages in Crossford. 

Liberal Democrat councillor for Dunfermline Central, Cllr Aude Boubaker-Calder revealed that she wrote to the water supply company following the most recent outage, on Thursday, April 25.

She said: "It is completely unacceptable for residents in Crossford to repeatedly lose access to water. If the infrastructure is not good enough and Scottish Water needs to sort it out.

"I have written to Scottish Water to ask them for an explanation of why Crossford is repeatedly suffering from water outages and to ask what they are proactively going to do to resolve the issue in the long term.

"Along with local residents, I expect them to take action to sort this out and I will continue to press the issue."

The company have confirmed that the cause of these outages is a burst pipe and they are continuing to investigate the origin of the fault.

A Scottish Water spokesperson said: “There has been two significant outages in the last five months due to bursts on a pipe that feeds the area of Crossford, which will have impacted the normal water supply to parts of the village.

"We are actively investigating the potential causes of the bursts and, once complete, will review what interventions may be required.

"We would like to thank residents for their patience and understanding while we carry out this work.”