CHILDREN AT Duloch Primary School have been raking through their fridges and cupboards to gather together almost 800 items to donate to the Dunfermline Foodbank.

As part of the Primary 5 and 6 classes’ harvest celebrations, pupils focused on different aspects of food, and thought it would be a good idea to bring attention to an issue which currently affects thousands of people in the Dunfermline area, of whom almost 40 per cent are children.

With help from parents and teachers, the pupils managed to get together a huge variety of items, which will be donated to help the foodbank.

Sarah Devlin, Primary 5 teacher, said, “The kids were very interested in helping. Not only did they provide the items, they also came up with a raffle scheme to encourage other children to donate. They’ve been really keen to help, and what’s good is that Dunfermline Foodbank provided a traffic-light list of things they urgently needed and things that weren’t as important, and the parents paid close attention to that.

“The children are all really proud of what they have achieved and feel that people will benefit.”