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I'm looking for celebrationsAileen Crombie
Published on 11/07/2024
CROMBIE Aileen Fiona, Richard and Sheila would like to thank all family, friends and neighbours for the cards, letters and flowers which they very kindly sent following the sad loss of Aileen. Thank you also to all those who attended the funeral service at Dunfermline Abbey and Hillend Cemetery and to The Revd. Dr. MaryAnn Rennie for the lovely service for Aileen and also to Revd. Ewan Ritchie for visiting Aileen in Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, and all the hospital staff who cared for Aileen in Ward 34 at Victoria Hospital. We would also like to thank Keith and Jenny at John Stoddart and Sons for their kindness, compassion and for organising the funeral. Thank you to the Pitbauchlie House Hotel for the refreshments after the service and to all those who donated in aid of Alzheimer's Research UK, raising a total of £854.60. We appreciate everyone's kindness at this sad time.Your tribute has been received.
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