WORK on the new £240,000 playpark in Dunfermline is due to be completed on Monday with an official opening next month.

An adventure trail, climbing frames, swings, see-saws and slides will all be part of the new facility in Public Park, close to Commercial and St Margaret's primary schools and east of the Louise Carnegie Bandstand.

Fife Provost Jim Leishman is set to open the playpark officially on Wednesday, December 5.

The project received Fife Council funding of £228,592 in March 2017; there was also £10,000 from Carnegie Dunfermline Trust and more than £1,000 in public donations, but there were a number of delays.

The new facility will also have a cableway, hanging beam and wind pipes, a sensory area, safety surfacing, paths, picnic tables and landscaping.

The previous play equipment, which was installed in the 1980s, was removed from the park several years ago because it had reached the end of its life.

A special ‘coo-moo-nity’ will also be part of the redevelopment plans with the ‘Herd on the Hill’ art display. It will see life-size cow models introduced, in a nod to Dunfermline’s history when cattle grazed in the park, and they will be painted by local artists and businesses.

There will also be a ‘moo tube’ – a talking tube installed under the ground that will have an end near the fibreglass sculptures.