RESIDENTS in a Dunfermline street fear that it will take someone being "hurt or killed" before speeding drivers are dealt with.

Police spoke to 38 motorists about their speed in Arthur Street during a two-hour period last Wednesday.

Ian Anderson has lived there for 11 years and feels the problem is the "worst it's ever been", spotting one car being clocked at 58mph despite the 20mph limit.

He told the Press: "Cars are flying down there. It's shocking.

"I'm not at all surprised to hear police have stopped the amount of people they have.

"Due to housebuilding, traffic has increased here and that's made the problem worse.

"They had the sign which displays the speed of a car travelling towards it at one point, and I saw one driver speeding by at 58mph.

"I spoke to police about this last year and they said they couldn't do anything about it. I asked whether it would take someone getting hurt or killed by a speeding car to get something done, and the reply I got back was: 'Yes'.

"I park my car on the street sometimes to slow the traffic down and the amount of abuse I get from waiting cars is terrible. There is no yellow lines on the street, I have every right to do so."

He said it was getting to the stage where Ian and his neighbour are considering buying a second car to park on the street in a bid to tackle the issue.

"Other residents are afraid to park on the street as they could have their wing mirrors clipped or worse," he said.

"Arthur Street is a nice street but lately it's just a nightmare to live in with speeding cars daily.

"It's unbearable."

Dunfermline police posted on Twitter: "Members of the public highlighted to community officers that the speed of motorists was an issue on Arthur Street, Dunfermline.

"During a two-hour period, 38 drivers were spoken with regarding their speed. As a result of this, officers will frequently monitor this street.

"The purpose of Community Speedwatch is to offer corrective advice to speeding motorists. Officers accompany members of the public and stop vehicles. Informing the drivers of the speed limit of the road, their speed, they could have faced a fine and penalty points."