A ROSYTH mum says her life has been "thrown into despair" since she started receiving Universal Credit last year.

The woman, who wishes to stay anonymous, left her job to care for her elderly mother believing her income wouldn't change too much after advice and help from benefits advisors.

But ever since, she has been facing life on the breadline and has been reliant on foodbanks at different times.

The carer, who lives with her daughters, has just pennies left in her bank account on a daily basis after bills are paid.

She told the Press: "Life has been so hard this year.

"I'm even getting scared that we'll all get our periods at the same time because I just can't afford it.

"I was never well off before but at least I didn't have to worry if I could afford food or the basics.

"I've worked all my life and I never thought I would have to be reliant on my children's dig money just to get by. It's just wrong.

"It's just not enough to live on."

Universal Credit was just starting to be rolled out when the mum first went to see if she could get help with benefits after taking time off work to look after her mother, whose health was declining rapidly.

"I was on statutory sick pay but they said I could get Universal Credit," she explained.

"It was a new system so they still didn't really know what they were doing.

"I was also told that I was entitled to Carer's Allowance.

"They roughly give you an idea of what you will receive when you apply and I thought I would be able to afford giving up my job on that income.

"I was also given an advanced payment while I waited five weeks for Universal Credit and I handed in my notice.

"But my first payment came and it was ridiculously low – a few hundred pounds short of what I expected.

"At first I thought it was wrong but then I found out that your Carer's Allowance is taken off your Universal Credit entitlement.

"It's caused me to fall behind on my council tax and I'm living week-to-week trying to find the money for things."

The mum receives £650 in income and with £525 to pay in rent there isn't much left for anything else.

"I was a blundering wreck at first," she added.

"I told my mum that I would manage so I just haven't had the heart to tell her.

"There was also a big change as my daughter's left school so I wasn't receiving other benefits any more.

"You try to tell the authorities this but they just don't care.

"I sold my car, got rid of things like my Sky box and when I'm reliant on my daughters' dig money it is all very demeaning.

"I've been told to make a complaint about the misinformation I received but I just think it will be a waste of time.

"If anything comes up or there's birthdays or Christmas it is just impossible.

"For example, last year, my daughter's bed broke and she had to sleep on the mattress on the floor.

"My only saving grace is my partner, who buys us food and keeps us above water.

"But that shouldn't be the case, I should be able to support myself.

"I'm financially broke and why should I live like this because I care for my mother?

"I'm saving the government money from having to pay for care.

"Every week is a struggle and this is what it will be like for the foreseeable.

"I don't think I would have quit my job if I really knew what it would be like."