AN ABERDOUR Dr Who fan has recorded a dedication for an audio book featuring the nation’s favourite time lord.

Matthew Nicholson, a wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy and sight problems, has no problem watching the Doctor’s adventures on television, but he relies on the talking books produced by charity RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) to enjoy them in book form.

Last week, he was invited to record a dedication to a Dr Who book by author Jenny T Colgan.

"Most of the Dr Who books that have been written since David Tennant played the Doctor have been transcribed into audio and braille, except one by author Jenny T Colgan entitled, ‘In the Blood’," Matthew said.

"Last summer, I met RNIB Scotland fundraiser Angela Preston in Kirkcaldy at RNIB Scotland’s transcription studio in Partick.

"We chatted about how much I love listening to RNIB talking books.

"We then talked about which book I would choose for talking books and how ‘In The Blood’ wasn’t yet available.

"Angela said she would see what she could do about that. And now it’s been transcribed!”

Matthew will say: “Huge thanks to Jenny, Angela and all at RNIB who make talking books happen.”

Matthew has actually met Jenny, who lives nearby, in 2017 when he first approached her at a book-signing event at the Aberdour Festival and later mentioned the lack of people with disabilities in books.

Jenny obliged by naming him as a character in her Dr Who book, ‘The Christmas Invasion’!

Dr Who returned to BBC television in 2005 after a 16-year absence. Thirteen actors have held the keys to the Tardis since it began in 1963. So who is Matthew’s favourite?

“No competition,” insists Matthew. “David Tennant is the best Doctor!”