IF YOU'RE ordeing a takeaway, you need to be mindful of the risks.

That's according to MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife Claire Baker, who has called on the Scottish Government to issue clearer guidelines for the operation of takeaways during the coronavirus crisis.

She said: “I am calling for assurance that, while some takeaways remain open, staff and customers are protected as best as possible.

"While most have introduced measures to space out customers, many staff are working in small spaces without Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and delivery drivers are visiting multiple addresses without being able to wash or sanitise their hands in between.

“I have asked the Scottish Government to consider measures to best protect staff such as by limiting the number permitted in kitchens and reducing the number of deliveries per route for drivers.

“Takeaways are providing a vital service for those who are unable to leave their homes during the coronavirus crisis and unable to purchase or prepare food for themselves, but clearer information needs to be provided in terms of safety guidance for the benefit of staff and customers.

“Where takeaway continue to operate, customers must accept that many of them are unable to deliver the same capacity that may normally be expected.

"I urge anyone using takeaways to be mindful of the risks and to treat delivery drivers and those working in takeaways with respect.”

Ms Baker has written to the Scottish Government highlighting the issue and calling for clear and consistent guidance for staff and customer safety to be issued.

She added: “The additional guidance provided to non-essential businesses is welcomed but while takeaways are classified as essential businesses I have concerns about difficulties many of them may be having in providing a safe working environment for staff."