NHS Fife do not know how many patients were discharged from hospitals into care homes without being tested for COVID-19 between March and May of this year.

Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Alex Rowley was told the health board "does not hold the information” after submitting a Freedom of Information request.

He said: “There will be a public enquiry to establish how all these organisations handled their responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and that is right and proper but for now we must understand what went wrong so that the same mistakes are not made if there is a second spike or wave of the virus.

“I find it incredible that NHS Fife does not have this information.”

According to the National Records of Scotland, there have been 201 deaths in Fife where the virus was mentioned on the death certificate.

It shows that 75 of these deaths were in care homes, 109 in hospitals and 17 at home.

According to Scottish Government figures, 74 per cent of care homes in Fife have had a suspected COVID-19 case.

“We need to have full transparency from NHS Fife on what has happened and assurances on the actions they are taking to ensure no-one is being moved around from hospital to community settings without being tested,” Mr Rowley added.

“To have made this mistake once is questionable but to do so twice would be unforgivable and I am now seeking assurances from the CEO of NHS Fife that every measure is in place to protect the most vulnerable in hospitals and in the community.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The Cabinet Secretary announced from April 21 all admissions to care homes from hospital should be tested for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms.

“While this was announced as a policy for all hospital discharges from April 21, testing for COVID-19 has been available for a significant time before then, and clinical decisions around testing were for hospitals to make on a case-by-case basis.

“Nobody who had symptoms of coronavirus, and certainly nobody for whom the clinical assessment was that they should continue to be in hospital, should have been discharged in that way.

“Scottish ministers have already confirmed that there will be a public inquiry into all aspects of the impact and handling of COVID-19, and this would include care homes.

“Our immediate focus is on continuing to do everything necessary to save lives for the remainder of this pandemic, learning lessons and applying the knowledge that we have.”

Nicky Connor, Director of Fife Health & Social Care Partnership, said: “Patient and staff safety has been our priority and national guidance has been followed throughout the pandemic.

“An NHS Fife specialist team has been undertaking the testing of residents and staff across many of Fife’s care homes over recent months."

She added that an oversight group was established to provide additional support and guidance to care homes.