The Duloch Spiderman was caught off guard without his disguise last week when Calaiswood School presented him with a memorable piece of artwork.

The incredible fundraising efforts of Dave Roper have brought in a whopping £27,000 for the school that provides specialist education for children aged three to 18.

With that cash they have been able to buy an iPad for each classroom, outdoor storage units, sensory equipment and a permanent outdoor canopy so that wheelchair users can enjoy going outside all year round.

Now they're efforts are focused on raising £36,000 for an Innowalk Pro which will allow users with limited movement (age 13 through to adulthood) to be able to enjoy the benefits of more activity; including improved sleep, better mood, improved concentration, muscle strength, core strength and standing stamina.

Calaiswood head Laura Spence told the Press: "We are really proud of Spiderman's efforts and although there will never be a way to thank him enough we wanted to give him something personal.

"The best way was to give him something from the pupils so two of the children, including Dave's son, worked with our art teacher to make something creative.

"The artwork is a momentum that means a lot to us and I think it means a lot to Dave too.

"It's a significant amount of money that has now been fundraised and we've spend some of that money but we're working towards getting a huge piece of equipment which will make such an impact on our pupils.

"It will really be out of this world and will benefit other children in the community too who need it."

Being presented with the artwork was a special moment for Dave who was inspired to help Calaiswood where his son Liam attends.

"It was a complete surprise to receive this artwork and it was a bit of a shock when I saw a Press photographer there!" Dave said.

"Liam made it with the help of his friend Jessica which is even more special for me because he's never had a best friend before.

"It's went straight on my wall to be admired.

"I'm still fundraising and doing lot of raffles which are bringing about £400 a week, so the money is quickly topping up.

"It will be so great to be able to get this equipment for the pupils and the wider community."