A MUM trying to get her baby to sleep became involved in a row with a man walking past her home and making a racket in Dunfermline.

Heavily-intoxicated David Sutherland became abusive to the woman and started throwing Jaffa Cakes at her.

Sutherland, 49, of Urquhart Crescent, appeared in the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on January 11, at Broomhead Drive, he shouted and swore towards a female, threw food items towards her and then acted in an aggressive manner, threatening police officers with violence.

Depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf said the woman heard someone whistling loudly outside.

She was trying to get her one-year-old child to sleep and asked Sutherland to keep the noise down.

“Who are you talking to?” he responded.

The depute went on: “She had previous incidents of people shouting outside her flat and told him she was going to call the police.”

He replied: “Go for it, I’m blootered.”

When she told him to stop shouting, he became abusive and started throwing Jaffa Cake biscuits, which he was carrying with him.

Police arrived and Sutherland became aggressive, asking officers for a fight and saying:, “Don’t touch me”, before he was arrested.

Defence solicitor Chris Sneddon said: “He’s thoroughly ashamed of himself. He’s embarrassed and remorseful. He had lapsed into drinking but there was no excuse for his behaviour.”

Sheriff James Macdonald fined Sutherland £300.