INVERCLYDE'S much-loved Galoshans Festival is now in full swing.

In 2014, a local Inverclyde school teacher reignited the passion for Going Galoshans, encouraging a new generation to keep this lyrical local term and tradition of folk performance alive.

Subsequent Galoshans Festivals from 2014 – 2019 delivered by UZ Arts, Inverclyde Place Partnership, Beacon Arts Centre and RIG Arts have supported this resurgence in local pride with an annual programme of events, rooted in performance, creativity and community celebration.

This year there is an action packed programme of events, all with the underlying theme of 'Creatively Tackling Climate Change in Inverclyde'.

The theme of this year’s festival links with the globally significant 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, taking place in Glasgow in the coming weeks.

The 2021 programme offers inspiring creative opportunities with community participation at the core, featuring a range of local and national artists collaborating with the public to create work relating to the theme.

The Telegraph caught up with some 'Galoshans Giants' as the event kicked off today.