A HERO stranger who came to the rescue of a grandmother when she suffered a heart attack at Townhill Loch has been found – thanks to the Press!

Local estate agent Michael Maloco has been revealed as the Good Samaritan who stepped in to help Atherlie Richardson when she fell and passed out.

Her family were desperate to find who helped the 82-year-old in her hour of need to send on a personal thank you, as reported in last week's edition of the Press.

It was one of Michael's colleagues from his firm, maloco + associates, that cottoned on that he must be the man from the article.

Atherlie fainted several times during the ordeal but little did she and Michael know that she had actually suffered a heart attack until she was informed later by doctors at the Victoria Hospital.

Michael told the Press: "She was really poorly when I saw her and it was just a coincidence I happened to be there.

"Like a lot of Italians, I like to forage for mushrooms in the autumn so I was walking along when I saw Atherlie.

"She clearly had just picked herself off the ground and was trying to get in touch with her husband.

"She passed out several times and I wanted to call 999 but we managed to phone her husband in the end and I waited with her until he came.

"I think anyone would have helped in the situation or at least I would like to hope they would!"

Atherlie had felt a bad pain in her back when she was walking. She used her angina spray but the first dose didn’t take the pain away so she sprayed a second time.

She was told her blood pressure was lowered because of the spray and that would have made her faint.

Michael added: "If no-one was around, it could have gone the wrong way.

"She was a nice, gentle lady who was clearly frightened and I would hope someone would help me if I was in that situation.

"I'm delighted to know she is OK."

Atherlie's daughter, Liz Erosy, said: "Mum is home now but they're planning to do an operation.

"She is very battered and bruised and quite shaken by what happened.

"She is very tired and weary but she's so positive and says she will bounce back.

"It was nice to know who helped mum and I've been in touch with Michael. We're very grateful to him."