At the Dunfermline Press, our staff work hard to bring you insightful and exclusive news coverage.

In order to continue to deliver quality journalism everyday we ask our readers to support us with a subscription.

This month we are giving you the opportunity to experience full access to all our unrivalled stories, as well as experiencing up to 80% less advertising, for free for 30 days.

You can experience the free trial on either our monthly or annual plans if you subscribe today.

If you take up our monthly plan, you will get the first 30 days free before the plan renews at the standard £4.99.

If you select our annual plan, after your 30-day free trial, the plan will cost you a single payment of £39 for a year. This will save you 25% on our standard price.


So why should you subscribe:

Not only will you be supporting our local journalism, but you will also get advert-light access to our website. This means that reading the news will take up less bandwidth and pages will load even faster.

You will also be able to pass the time with access to more than 50 new puzzles each week.

Already this January, we have brought you numerous exclusives – some of which have been subscriber-only content.

There was new of a new 'Scottish tapas' restaurant opening in Dunfermline.

While one young West Fifer had to call time on his restautant dream

Jason forced to admit defeat with restaurant

We also always bring you the top stories from Dunfermline Sheriff Court, including that of a serial screamer who woke up her neighbour in the middle of the night in repeated incidents.

You will be able to reminisce with us by reading our trip down West Fife’s Memory Lane, including last week’s edition featuring a Dunfermline street that has now disappeared.

Or if you are interested in property, we will always have you covered. Take a glimpse at a historic West Fife hotel which is up for sale for £750,000.

Never miss a Dunfermline and West Fife story again by subscribing today.