IT'S a milestone week for Abbeyview as work has begun on demolishing the Tryst Centre in the estate.

It's part of a project to deliver a new £7.5 million Abbeyview hub.

READ MORE: Abbeyview hub will be 'transformational' for the community

Councillors were told the new facility would be "transformational" with building work due to start in August ahead of a 'soft' opening in November 2023.

They've already had to get an extra £1m to ensure the project goes ahead and will go back to the well for more money if costs spiral.

READ MORE: Cost of Abbeyview hub has gone up by £1 million

The "state-of-the-art" hub will include a welcoming entrance, reception and offices; a large multi-use hall which can be used for events, sports and community functions; general purpose rooms; a teaching kitchen; a dedicated IT suite; a large community space for a range of activities including the after-school club and mother and toddler group; storage for centre users and groups; a secure garden and play area; and new landscaping with space for community planting.

READ MORE: Plans finally in for new state-of-the-art Abbeyview hub after community backing

There's also land set aside for future expansion, if it's required at a later date.