SHIRLEY-ANNE Somerville has urged Fife Council to organise a series of events to mark Dunfermline's first anniversary as a city.

The MSP had earlier this year organised a City Summit to give business owners, community groups, and charities a platform to discuss their aspirations for the area.

Now, she is keen to take advantage of this enthusiasm and see a celebration held in the run-up to May 20, when Dunfermline was confirmed as Scotland's newest city, and October 3, the date King Charles officially conferred city status.

Ms Somerville said: "Following the recent City Summit, I have remained in contact with a number of local businesses, community groups and charities, who are all keen to continue the positive momentum created during that event.

"There is a clear desire to clean up our city centre including maintaining green spaces, replacing, or restoring street furniture and tidying up litter.

"I also picked up real interest in celebrating the first anniversary of Dunfermline's city status, which was announced in May last year.

"Many ideas have been suggested, including a Picnic in the Glen, live musical performances or even a community clean-up project."

She continued: "I wrote to Councillor Calder to find out if Fife Council have any intention of marking the occasion and while keen on the idea, he confirmed there are currently no definitive plans.

"A city celebration would not only be an opportunity for residents to come together but could also promote the city to visitors and tourists, highlighting our unique attractions, heritage and culture.

"I know that myself – and a number of local people – would be delighted to participate."

In March the Press reported that there had been a "huge amount of enthusiasm" during the summit, with ideas for festivals and events as well as work to enhance the High Street and make use of Pittencrieff Park put forward.

There has now been a further city conference arranged by Fife Council for June this year.

City of Dunfermline Area Committee met this week and agreed funding of £150,000 for the development of Dunfermline's city status

Committee convener, Councillor James Calder, said: "Our first anniversary is definitely worth celebrating and we'll be discussing how we continue taking full advantage of our city status moving forward."

Sunil Varu, Economy adviser for town centre development, added that discussions are taking place regarding running a civic event in the near future.

He commented: "This is still to be finalised, but work has been taking place on this in the past few months."