THE long-awaited reopening of a popular Dunfermline cafe has finally arrived following six months of uncertainty.

Cafe Wynd closed in November after up to a decade's worth of water damage from a leaking pipe beneath its flooring caused extensive damage to the base of the building.

Staff at the Cross Wynd eatery had been operating with a temporary fix while the problem was investigated, however it was discovered that the entire floor would need to be stripped and refitted.

Owner Stewart Forrest took the opportunity to make over the cafe, pushing back the bar, and ripping out a "snug" area in order to create more dining space.

He wanted to create more opportunities for an "evening-friendly" environment, with plans to introduce later closing times in the summer months.

Dunfermline Press: Cafe Wynd reopened on Saturday after a six-month closure due to a leaking pipe beneath its

The original issue was flagged in May of last year after a neighbouring business investigated an ongoing leak which was sourced to a pipe directly beneath Cafe Wynd.

Since then Stewart has faced months of "frustrating" set-backs, which he believes may have been preventable had action been taken earlier.

He has now created space for around four to six more covers within the cafe and retained all of his former staff during the closure.

They will be serving up coffee and milkshakes as well as granola bowls, homemade soup, sandwiches and 'Ice Cream Burgers'.

Dunfermline Press: Cafe Wynd reopened on Saturday after a six-month closure due to a leaking pipe beneath its

Cafe Wynd first opened in 2018 and has since been closed each year for roofing and maintenance issues, as well as during pandemic restrictions.

Stewart said: "As the tenant we've had to spend a lot of money maintaining that building, we've had to deal with a hell of a lot with the building and COVID.

"It's miraculous we are still going, COVID hit us very hard but we adapted well to it.

"We've done well and I am hoping this is the last hurdle and we can go full pelt now and do what we always intended to do."

The cafe reopened on Saturday and will be open from 10am until 4pm, seven days a week.