MILLIONS of pounds worth of drugs have been seized in Fife over the last year after a police campaign targeting serious and organised crime.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, officers carried out 199 seizures across the Fife area, and recovered controlled drugs – including cannabis, diazepam, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin – with a total estimated value of around £8m.

Police Scotland say the work demonstrated the dedication of divisional officers and partner agencies to disrupt, dismantle and detect those involved in the illicit drugs trade across the Fife Division.

Detective Chief Inspector Scott Davidson said: “These figures show that we are continuing to make progress in removing drugs from our streets.

“We remain committed to disrupting organised criminality in all its forms, including the supply of drugs in our communities.

“We will use every tool and tactic at our disposal to rid our streets of drugs, whilst working with partners to provide support to vulnerable people affected by these criminals.

“Those concerned in the supply of drugs are not above the law and they will be held to account for their actions.

“Our targeted operations are built on effective intelligence gathering, and the help and support of the local community.”

If anyone has concerns regarding the abuse of controlled drugs or those who may be involved in the supply of controlled drugs, contact Police on 101. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.