Stories about Dunfermline’s past have been uncovered - and there's a chance to hear some of the tales being told amongst the tombstones in Dunfermline Abbey Churchyard.

Find out about about the impact six good men of Dunfermline made on the lives of the people and helped shape the city as it is now.

Sue Mowat, Joyce Munro and Irene Combe are members of Tombstones and Tales at Dunfermline Abbey Churchyard and will be leading the tour, which takes place on Saturday, July 29.

Dunfermline Press:

The group was started in 2019 to look at the stories of some of the people buried in the old graveyard and to bring the past into the present.

Joyce said: "The Abbey Churchyard is the oldest community space in the city and we felt it was important to bring this to the attention of people. It is easy to walk past and not think of the graveyard as a tranquil green space which is there for everyone to enjoy.

"By talking about the stories of some of our past forebears we hope that people will come along and discover not only the fascinating history of our city but also the lovely surroundings on their doorstep.”

There will be tours at 1pm, 1.30pm and 2pm on Saturday, July 29, which will last around 50 minutes. Places are free but must be reserved in advance via Eventbrite.