STAFF at Asda's Dalgety Bay store had a pricky problem when they discovered a hedgehog in need of help near the store.

Concerned about the mammal's welfare, the team called Burntisland Hedgehog Haven for advice.

The hedgehog has now been named Otto and had to spent three days in an incubator after being collected by experts.

Asda community champion Alana Brown said: "Ian was advised to try and secure the hedgehog and give him some water and a blanket until someone could come out and rescue him.

Dunfermline Press: Asda staff hope Otto will be released back into the wild after treatment.Asda staff hope Otto will be released back into the wild after treatment. (Image: Asda Dalgety Bay)

"The hedgehog has been named Otto and is getting treatment with the hope to be released back into the wild."

The team at the hedgehog rescue centre said: "Thank you so much to the Asda colleagues for looking after the hedgehog and securing him.

"This certainly was a different collection to anything we have ever had at Asda.

"Otto was very cold and spent three days in the incubator but is feeling a little better now.

"He is still a very frightened little boy, but he is starting to realise it’s not so bad here."