MORE money will come from Fife Council to pay for "urgent repairs" at Fire Station Creative.

Councillors on the City of Dunfermline area committee agreed last week to hand over another £8,016 to help fix the arts hub on Carnegie Drive and protect the public.

The council had previously approved funding of £36,212, after a "large piece of rendering" fell off the building during a heatwave last July, but members were told that the cost had now gone up to £43,500.

In a report to the committee, Dunfermline community manager Andrew Gallacher said: "While public safety is the priority, the secondary aim is to keep the venue alive.

"Fire Station Creative (FSC) is a registered charity with insufficient funds to meet the costs of the renovation of the building."

After part of the facade dislodged and crashed to the ground, the area was made safe with temporary scaffolding but that's costing the charity £240 a week.

He added: "It is the only significant arts venue of its kind in the region, hosting 21 studios, a high-profile gallery, cafe/bar, music therapy and art therapy."

Dunfermline Press: The only significant arts venue of its kind in the region, Fire Station Creative needs repairs costing more than £43,000. The only significant arts venue of its kind in the region, Fire Station Creative needs repairs costing more than £43,000. (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Gallacher said the facade of the iconic art deco property, previously the city's main fire station until it closed in 2010, was "in urgent need of repair".

And although FSC is an independent contemporary arts and music venue in Dunfermline, the category B-listed building is still owned by the council.

His report said the "price for the repairs has increased since the initial quote and this application seeks to fund the shortfall".

Lindsay Gilfillan, from the communities and neighbourhoods service, told the committee: "A roofing company was commissioned to refurbish the entire facade of the building.

"The area committee previously approved an application for funding of £26,212 with an additional £10,000 coming from the town centre improvement budget.

"A second roofing company has now been commissioned to carry out the work with revised costs of £43,500."

The job will include erecting scaffolding, removing loose rendering and applying new roughcast to the walls.

Councillor Aude Boubaker-Calder said: "We already gave £36,212 for that project. Adding to that another £8,016, that's a huge amount of money for our area committee.

"I was wondering if they considered alternative sources of funding, because obviously there's other projects we would love to fund too?

"As much as they are a charity I know they get paid for rental of the rooms so I know there is monies coming in."

However the committee, who approved the application, was told that information wasn't "to hand" but would be made available to members.

When the first application went in last September, gallery curator Ian Moir told the Press: "We’re grateful to have received guidance from Fife Council about the best routes to grant funding.

"While we must also consider the architectural integrity of the building, public safety is always our top priority, so the scaffold will remain in place for as long as we can afford to keep it there.

"Meanwhile, we will endeavour to raise funds as quickly as possible and get the facade of the building fully repaired.

"The fire station has proven to be an indispensable cultural asset and I feel we have a duty to preserve it for future generations."