A GROUP of Crombie Point residents have laid out their reasons why an appeal to the Scottish Government for two new homes should be thrown out.

The neighbours have submitted their objections to the proposals for two new homes near the Forth shore.

James Corrie, of Blairadam, wants ministers to overturn the decision and grant permission to develop a plot at Crombie Point.

READ MORE: 'Aggrieved' developer appeals to Scottish Government after homes knockback

Mr Corrie sought planning consent to build two houses, plus garages and access, on a site around 3,200 square metres in size and 1.5km south-west of Crombie.

His application was refused by the west and central planning committee in June.

It recommended refusal as the proposal was contrary to the council's 'cluster policy', as it would lead to coalescence between two distinct and separate settlements, and should also be ruled out on flood risk grounds.

Mr Corrie's appeal said that the flood risk assessment was "misunderstood and misrepresented" at the committee and caused "undue and unnecessary confusion amongst members".

READ MORE: Crombie Point residents raise concerns about firm's tactics

His appeal statement said that four neighbour notifications "resulted in a concerted local campaign amounting to 37 objections to which the council gave undue credence and required a disproportionate amount of additional information".

It continued: "Conversely, a total of 26 letters of support were received for this application.

"These commented that the proposed development would enhance the appearance and amenity of Crombie Point, provide additional high-quality houses, enhance the character of the area and contribute to a housing shortfall."

The statement added that "little weight can be given to the objections".

However, in a joint document signed by 10 local households, a list of reasons why the appeal should be rejected maintaned that it would pose a flooding risk and went against the council's local development plan and national planning frameworks.

They said Mr Corrie had "failed to demonstrate" that the plans would not increase the risk of flooding on the site or elsewhere or take into account the future residents of the site.

READ MORE: Fife Council reject plans for two new homes at Crombie Point

"It is highlighted that above and beyond the risk of coastal flooding to the future residents of the properties, that Crombie Point and Shore Road also experiences significant pluvial flooding on a regular basis," they stated.

"The road servicing the properties to Crombie Point and along the Shore Road is below the water table of the surrounding fields and acts as a route for flood waters to take on the way down to the River Forth.

"Severe pluvial flooding at Crombie Point happens throughout the year, with the most recent flooding incident incurring serious damage to properties.

"The future residents of this site would therefore also be at risk from severe pluvial flooding, in addition to the coastal flooding risk, particularly if any additional ingress to the site’s northern boundary wall was provided in the route of the existing pluvial flood waters."

The residents explained that the pattern of development in the village hadn't changed since 1856.

"The site sits between these two distinct character areas," they added. "The proposed development would create a coalescence effect between the two distinct places or ‘character’ areas at Crombie Point and the properties within the Craigflower Estate.

"The proposed development will affect the setting of two listed buildings - the B listed Stripeside House and the C listed Crombie Point House, both of which are detached properties.

"Therefore, development of this site would affect the historic environment and sense of place at Crombie Point and along the Shore Road."