A 35-year-old man, put out of a friend’s home, returned with a set of ladders and clambered on to her balcony.

Mark Berturelli, 35, of Esmonde Court, Rosyth, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court to be sentenced after previously admitting a string of offences.

On January 16 at Francis Street, Lochgelly, he shouted, acted aggressively and repeatedly made derogatory comments.

On February 17 at the Co-op, Bank Street, Lochgelly, he stole a bottle of alcohol. Then on the same day he returned there and stole another bottle of alcohol.

On August 5, at Primrose Lane, Rosyth, having been asked to leave the house, he used a ladder to climb on to a balcony, acted in an aggressive manner, repeatedly kicked and struck the front door.

On August 30 he failed to appear in court in Dunfermline.

Depute fiscal Laura McManus said on the evening of January 16, police had been called to a property regarding an injured male. When they arrived, they found Berturelli in an intoxicated state and he became verbally abusive which resulted in him being arrested.

The August 5 offence involved a female friend who was allowing Berturelli to stay with her as he had nowhere else to go. There were three people consuming alcohol together including Berturelli who became very drunk and was asked to leave.

He did so but at 1.30am he put a ladder against her home and climbed up on to a first-floor balcony. She did not let him in and called the police. Berturelli was banging on her door disturbing a neighbour who also called the police.

Defence solicitor Russel McPhate conceded his client had a significant record including prison terms and was currently on a community payback order.

Sheriff Francis Gill deferred sentence until January 10.