A DUNFERMLINE slimmer is celebrating National Cholesterol Month after seeing her health improve after joining a local slimming class.

Ca Rushford is part of a Slimming World Group which meets every week at the City Hotel and is this month highlighting how important it is to eat healthily.

The Type two diabetic has to keep a close eye on her cholesterol levels admits and, before joining the class led by Samantha Moat, had become very despondent about losing weight and felt impossible for her. 

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She explained: "I was pretty negative, but Samantha told me she would be with me every step of the way and would help me identify foods that would help me lose weight while creating a more healthy lifestyle and help my other health issues. 

"I had heard it all before, I’m asthmatic, my blood sugars were 83 mg/dL, my cholesterol 6.5 mmol/L, I was a size 20 and I couldn’t eat the fruit, nor could I exercise as much as others. I couldn’t see how it would work.”

Ca has gone on to lose over 10 per cent of her starting personal body weight and is down to size 16 clothes and feels great.

“I’m not fully at my personal targets yet but I’m delighted with how I feel," she added. "I have less dependency on my inhalers, my blood sugar is down to 50 – the lowest in many, many, years, and my cholesterol is now 4.5 and I’m loving life and food!"

Consultant Samantha said Ca was an inspiration and a credit to herself. 

"She knows that a Slimming World Group is where the magic happens to positively focus on healthy eating," she said.

"There’s no better place for support to help put you in control than a Slimming World group, where there will be absolutely no judgement – just understanding, trust, friendship, community spirit and lots of fun and laughter."