A Kelty primary school has been busy promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

St Joseph's Primary School invited parents and pupils to a fun night of STEM related activities. The school had been awarded a grant from the Royal Institute which funded a visit from Magnetic Matt, who ran workshops for the children during the day, a CPD session for staff after school, and a family science show in the evening. 

The school had support from Babcock STEM ambassadors, young STEM leaders, and science teachers from St Columba's High School. The STEM show had a range of explosions and experiments that fascinated children and adults alike. 

After the show. Babcock ran a series of engineering challenges and experiments to explore chemical reactions, electricity circuits, light and shadow, and looking at cells through microscopes. 

The primary school's Reading Rebels planned a range of science activities that linked to the children's book, Funny Bones. Families could even finish off the evening by toasting marshmallows around a fire pit. 

The feedback from families was very positive.

One piece of feedback was: "Fantastic from start to finish. Even the old ones learnt a few things!"

Another said: "We all had a great night, loved how interactive it was and the variety of activities."

"Fantastic! From start to finish. It’s great to see the enthusiasm from the staff and students. Well done!" added another family. 

The school are now planning their next family event.