Saline Heritage Society presents the inaugural memorial lecture for Stewart Miller this Wednesday, November 22.

A good friend to the Society, Stewart attended many of the Society's talks and contributed so much to village life and particularly to Saline Parish Church. 

Dr Tom Turpie, historian at the University of Stirling, will present 'Poor, small and plain or splendid and venerable buildings? The Parish Church in late medieval Fife and the evidence from Saline'.

This talk will draw on research from two projects on Scottish medieval parish churches to consider what the patronage and investment in parish churches in Fife, particularly Saline Old Parish Church, can tell us about the health of religious life in the county in the later Middle Ages.

Were late medieval churches in a state of terminal decline? Here more at Saline Church Hall on Wednesday, November 22, 7pm for refreshments with the talk beginning at 7.30pm.