A Woodmill High School student welcomed the public to another successful Family Funday.

Adam Coutts played bagpipes for the public as they arrived to the event hosted by Fife Festival of Music at Duloch Primary School, Dunfermline.

During the event music was performed by a brass ensemble of students from Woodmill and Dunfermline High Schools. There was also a string group of students from Duloch Primary School and Woodmill.

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There were between 200 and 300 visitors and participants, who were all given the chance to sample workshops in ukulele, pipe band drumming, music making for littles ones, samba and jumbie jam (mini steel pans).

The main live performance feature of the day was by Travelling by Tuba from Manchester.

The festival was congratulated by Depute Provost David Dempsey on its enterprise and community responsibility, while Duloch Primary School headteacher Laura Spence was delighted that the school could host the event.