Dogs have been chasing the peacocks in Pittencrieff Park, and some incidents have even involved people encouraging their dogs to do so.

The volunteers who work with the peacocks are kindly requesting that dog owners keep their dogs on a lead when near the aviary building.

Dogs off a leash can cause distress to the peacocks and peahens.

Carlyn Cane, a volunteer with the peacocks, said: “It increases their risk of harm and we’re trying to keep them as safe as possible. Unfortunately the birds being chased by dogs, clearly not under control, is a weekly occurrence.

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“The birds will always try to get away from dogs running near them and it’s during this fright flying that they are at the highest risk of being hurt or killed. We lost our stunning two-year-old white peacock Xander in August 2021 in one such situation.”

As previously reported by the Press, Xander flew into the pavilion building after being chased by a dog that was not on its lead.

Carlyn added: “We’d be very grateful if the public could cooperate with us. We’re all animal lovers and want the dogs and peacocks to both enjoy being in the park. We’re not looking for dogs to be banned or kept on leads the entire time they’re in the park.

“The glen is a massive draw for dog walkers, families, and visitors. At 76 acres, there is more than enough space for everyone to enjoy.

“We are kindly requesting dog owners put them on a short lead within a very small area. This area is along the front of the pavilion and on the path down to, and surrounding, the aviary building.”

Carlyn added: “We hope the community, that are very proud of their birds, can help us keep them as safe as possible.”