A DUNFERMLINE pub is taking part in a national recycling campaign to raise money for charity.

The Seven Kings on Bridge Street is asking its customers to donate their empty sweet tubs - such as those used for Heroes, Celebrations, Quality Street and Roses - so that they can be shredded, recycled and sold to manufacturers with all money raised being donated to Macmillan Cancer support. 

The drive, which is part of the Greene King 'TUB2PUB' campaign will see the empty and clean plastic confectionery and cracker tubs collated, taken to a plastic reprocessing centre where they will be shredded, before being sold to plastic manufacturers to use in place of virgin plastics.

Simply hand your empty tubs into the Greene King-owned pub by February 11 for them to be recycled. 

For more information, visit the TUB2PUB website.