AN ECOLOGICAL appraisal of Townhill Loch is set to take place after a funding request was approved.

Members of the City of Dunfermline Area Committee agreed to allocate £10,000 from their Community Recovery Fund to the project while they also agreed that £17,404.80 be used for a Dunfermline marketing intern pilot.

The money will be used at Townhill Loch for a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and a breeding bird and wintering bird survey at Townhill Loch.

In a report to committee members, Paul Vaughan, Fife Council's Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods Service, explained: "Over an extended period of time, activity in and around the loch has evolved and expanded, meaning the loch and surrounding areas are being used in different ways.

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"A PEA is required to better understand the impact of activities on biodiversity, determine suitable habitat for breeding and wintering birds, as well as any other protected species, and the suitability for the loch to support fish, amphibians and reptiles."

The marketing pilot will aim to support employability pathways in Dunfermline and will identify 24 local unemployed young people aged between 16 and 30 and support them through a 12-week internship.

For the first eight weeks, there will be regular training to upskill interns, with the final four weeks giving the interns the opportunity to support local businesses through a paid internship to gain hands on experience.

Scunnered Digital will engage with local businesses from a diverse range of sectors and recruit interns through discussions with Fife College and the Job Centre.

Mr Vaughan added: "The total project cost is £35,904.80 with £18,500 funding being secured from Opportunities Fife Partnership and an expectation that businesses will contribute towards the payment of interns throughout their work experience."