A HUB aimed at helping people with their mental health is to open in Dunfermline.

The charity Tartan Talkers will launch its first hub in St Margaret's Church in Touch on Saturday, February 17 which will expand the vital work it currently carries out.

The male suicide prevention and awareness charity was set up in Dunfermline in August 2022 but local woman Jackie Walls following the devastating loss of her nephew, Cowdenbeath man Scott Taylor, who took his own life in March 2022 at the age of just 37.

Keen to ensure other families didn't have to go through what her's did, she started the charity which offers peer-to-peer mentoring as well as signposting to other local organisations.

Having helped over 300 people last year, Tartan Talkers has already set up a meeting group in Ballingry and it is hoped the new hub will provide much-needed help for even more.

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"The hub will basically be there as a presence in the community to let people know if they need to come in for a chat," explained Jackie. "If they need face to face regarding any issue that is affecting their mental health, we are there.

"It may be debt problems or anything. We will signpost them and ensure that they get the support that they need. We have got a system to contact them and they can contact us on the phone.

"We are a people centred organisation. It is all about compassion and people. I feel we need to get the message home. Other organisations will be coming into the hub and we will be creating good partnerships and forging other strong bonds.

"I think they need to know someone is there and that someone cares for them."

Jackie and her team's efforts were recognised by Downing Street recently when she was named a winner of the daily Points of Light award which recognises outstanding individual volunteers and people who are making a change in their community.

Anyone wanting to find out more about the charity's work can do so by visiting the Tartan Talkers Facebook page or their website here.