Fife Council’s Junior Road Safety Officers are continuing their Don’t Park Here campaign to raise awareness about safe parking.

The campaign encourages parents to ease congestion around school gates and to not park on driveways or Keep Clear areas during drop off and pick up times. Parents also should not be parking on the pavement, double yellow lines, zig-zag lines, or bus stops.

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As previously reported by the Press, a Dunfermline resident said he and his neighbours had encountered issues due to Masterton Primary School parents parking inconsiderately near his home last year.

According to Fife Council, since last year’s campaign there has been a reduction in car use. The annual Hands Up Survey highlighted that 19 per cent of Fife pupils are being driven to school compared to 23 per cent. Then 11 per cent of pupils are opting to Park and Stride.

The campaign wants parents to park sensibly, slow down when driving by schools, and to think about the health and safety of pupils.