A man was arrested after a hair salon in Inverkeithing was vandalised.

Divit Barbers on High Street made the announcement on its Facebook page and said the damage was so bad they had to close.

The culprit was spotted on CCTV and police confirmed that a man had been arrested. 

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Divit Barbers is owned by Kate McQuillan and her Facebook post stated: “I am unsure if you are aware the shop was vandalised on Saturday evening by an adult male. He was arrested and taken into custody.

“The windows on the roof were smashed so this allowed the rain in until they were securely boarded.

"Whilst removing furniture and printing equipment from one room to another due to the rain getting in, I set my back off quite badly.

"I am on strong painkillers, which are working, but making me sleepy."

She added: "Due to the side effects of the painkillers I am unable to return to work this week.

"I am truly sorry and I have notified those who have booked in, the cancellation of their appointments."

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "A man was charged and reported to the Procurator Fiscal."