PLANS to create parking spaces in Sandpiper Drive have been welcomed by a senior Dunfermline councillor.

James Calder, who is convener of the City of Dunfermline Area Committee, says the bays will help allay safety concerns along the busy route near to the Amazon fulfilment Centre.

The plans were confirmed at a recent meeting of the committee.

"Many residents have got in touch with me about the safety issues of lorries parking along Sandpiper Drive and I share these worries," said Cllr Calder. "It is a fast area of road and it will get much busier with the new school in place.

READ MORE: Speed limits agreed near Dunfermline Learning Campus

"I know that the plans put forward by Transportation include parking restrictions for some of the road, but I am pleased they are looking to change the road layout so that there will be parking bays for the areas that have no parking restrictions.

"This should make the road much safer for all."