The MSP for Dunfermline has expressed concern after it was revealed some Fife College students have dropped their courses due to unreliable public transport.

The comments come from Shirley-Anne Somerville after the College's 2024 Travel Survey found a third of students claim their bus is often late. One in five also complained about overcrowded services.

Some students have also found it difficult to switch between campuses. There is no direct bus service between Dunfermline to Fife College’s Glenrothes’ site.

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Shirley-Anne Somerville commented: "Ensuring access to learning is not just about opening doors to individuals—it is about ensuring our society values knowledge and opportunity for all. 

"Reliable local bus services are a lifeline that connects students to their educational pursuits, providing them with an opportunity of a brighter future.

"They can also play a pivotal role in shaping sustainable local communities. 

"By encouraging more journeys by bus instead of car, we can actively combat environmental degradation, congestion, and the adverse effects of carbon emissions."

She has offered to write to both Fife Council and local bus operators.

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Taylor Edwards, President of Education and Representation at Fife College, added, "As Student president I’ve been campaigning to raise awareness about the struggles our students face in commuting to College.

"Many students have to make multiple connections and spend hours on public transport to cover journeys that would take significantly less time by car.