A Rosyth man assaulted his wife shortly after the New Year bells.

Euan Davidson, 41, now of Peasehill Fauld, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for sentencing.

He admitted that on January 1 at his then home in Rosyth, he assaulted his wife.

He seized her by the body, pushed her on the head knocking her glasses off, seized the hood of her clothing, struggled with her and repeatedly punched her on the head, all to her injury.

Depute fiscal Catherine Stevenson said that Davidson had been drinking when he started arguing with his partner at 12.10am before assaulting her.

Defence solicitor Aime Allan said her client was a first-time offender and was now separated from his wife but they remain on friendly terms.

Sheriff Allan Findlay fined Davidson £420 and commented: “Happy New Year.”