An elderly man is taking steps - hundreds of them - to celebrate the history of his home village.

Arthur Lloyd, 77, offers 'Arthur’s Walk Around Aberdour' where people can learn all about the place where he lives - joking that "people seem to enjoy my rambling”!

The next two walks are on June 22 and 29 but they've already sold out!

Asked if he expected them to be such a draw, Arthur admitted: “Not really. History was the first subject I gave up at school, it was so boring!

“I didn’t expect it to be so popular.”

He went on: “I was chairman of the community council for a number of years, and was involved with trying to set up the heritage centre at the time in Aberdour and met with several people interested in history.”

The heritage centre contains older photographs of the village from ex-chemist, John Taylor.

Arthur added: “John and I got chatting and he said someone should put it in a book, and I produced a book called 'Aberdour Past and Present' in 2019, before lockdown.

"It went down really well.”

He then did a talk based on the book and wrote another tome called Aberdour and the Sea, the proceeds of which raised money for the RNLI.

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Arthur then started doing talks again after the COVID-19 pandemic and they became a popular part of the Aberdour Festival programme.

He added: “People are interested in the history of the village.

“People seem to enjoy my rambling!”

The walks turned into a big hit and the first one that Arthur did that was part of the festival programme sold out in about 15 minutes.

There is a £5 charge but all money raised goes towards Alzheimer's Scotland - he has raised nearly £600 so far.

We'll keep you posted on when you can join Arthur for a stroll back through time.