BADLY faded or worn out markings on parking bays and yellow lines is resulting in illegal parking that Fife Council wardens are "incapable of stopping".

That's according to Councillor Robin Lawson who put the authority on the spot over road maintenance issues which he said are allowing motorists to dodge fines.

His question at the full council meeting last week also sought to ascertain how much money the council were spending in this area.

Transportation spokesperson Cllr Altany Craik said: "In 2021 some £40,000 of parking related lining works were delivered throughout Fife.

"However in each of the past two financial years approximately £10,000 of works have been delivered annually due to issues with the reliability of internal lining vehicles, turnover of staff and availability of contractors.

READ MORE: Level of violence and aggression towards Fife Council staff is 'increasing'

"In 2024-25 the delivery of parking related lining is programmed to return to normal levels with £50,000 identified to help with new lining throughout Fife."

Cllr Lawson said: "This is the sort of thing we need to attend to promptly.

"I've had all sorts of excuses as to why it's not happening but I think we need to get lines here there should be lines and we need them done promptly."

Cllr Craik responded: "They're not excuses. There are reasons why they're not done. There's a shortage of resource but they will get done."