AN OPEN weekend has celebrated the community work taking place around Duloch Park and Calais Wood.

The event saw a range of activities organised at the park where people could find out about ongoing activities around the area.

On Friday, local councillors and Dunfermline Learning Campus constructors Bam Construction toured recently donated portacabins at Duloch Park and met the community groups based there.

The facilities, in which a community hub has been created, were funded through area committee funding and Social Value, Fife Council and Bam.

Dunfermline Press: The donated cabins at the Duloch Park community hub.The donated cabins at the Duloch Park community hub. (Image: Contributed)

Cllr James Calder, City of Dunfermline area committee convener, said: “The community groups should be proud of what they’ve achieved in the heart of Duloch.

"The committee is delighted to be able to support projects like this.

“Building the schools at Dunfermline Learning Campus is a large investment by Fife Council. By using contractors such as Bam, who are signed up to Social Value, we’re able to benefit so many more people in our communities.”

Groups taking part in the open weekend included the Calais Wood Conservation Group, Duloch in Bloom, Calais Wood Wombles, Duloch Path Group, Falling Up Together, Halbeath and Duloch Community Council and South Dunfermline Community Council.

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Martin Willcocks, from the Calais Wood Conservation Group, said: "The open weekend proved to be extremely popular with public figures, general public, children and dogs all getting involved over the three days.

Dunfermline Press: Artwork being added to the new community cabins.Artwork being added to the new community cabins. (Image: Contributed)

"It was a great way to celebrate seven community groups working together whilst saying thanks for the help we have had with the emergence of our volunteer community hub within the park."

He added: "We are all very excited going forward as well-being projects like this are not just about doing things for others, it’s also about people coming out and doing things for themselves.

"That’s the reward and also the reward to our local nature and greenspace."

To find out more about the community hub at Duloch Park email