Dunfermline is preparing to celebrate 750 years since the birth of Robert the Bruce and there are a range of events taking place to mark the occasion.

As previously reported in the Press, the upcoming Bruce Festival will commemorate the anniversary of the medieval king in Pittencrieff Park on June 1 and 2.

There will be a range of activities and entertainment on offer including staged pitch battles, jousting, falconry displays, a storytelling tent, musical performances, and more!

Bruce was buried in Dunfermline Abbey after his death, but his heart was taken on Crusade. This was done at his own instruction, as he had never been able to visit the Holy Land. Sir James Douglas tried to take the heart to Jerusalem, but it never made it.

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Douglas got into a battle against Muslims in Grenada and is thought to have thrown the casket that contained Bruce’s heart into battle before being killed himself. The heart was eventually returned to Scotland and buried at Melrose Abbey.

His remains were rediscovered in Dunfermline Abbey in 1817 and one of his toe bones ended up in the possession of local resident and damask designer, Joseph Neil Paton.

Paton displayed it in his home in Wooers’ Alley amongst the other interesting and unique items that he collected.

Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries are also preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the warrior king’s birth.

They will be giving visitors the chance to learn about how the city celebrated the 600th anniversary of Bruce's death back in 1929.

Their display includes mementoes including the order of divine service that took place in Dunfermline Abbey, the programme for the commemorative service for pupils of Dunfermline schools and a lady's ticket for the reserved enclosure at the band kiosk in Pittencrieff Park.

There will also be books and photographs about all things Bruce.

The Reading Room in the library is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday.