A DUNFERMLINE woman who was so upset with the way she looked that she avoided mirrors has taken on the Race for Life. 

Andrea Reid, who attends Slimming World classes in the city, went on a successful weight loss journey and then signed up for the 5k run - raising £400 in the process for Cancer Research UK.  

After losing an incredible seven stones she decided on another challenge and, along with hundreds of others, completed the Race for Life in Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy recently. 

The event had an added poignancy because her mum passed away in 2005 of cancer.

Dunfermline Press: Andrea Reid, a Slimming World Member, signed up for the Race for Life after her life changing weight loss journey.Andrea Reid, a Slimming World Member, signed up for the Race for Life after her life changing weight loss journey. (Image: Andrea Reid)

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On the run itself she told the Press: “It went really well, my son was doing it with me and I met up with Samantha from Slimming World.

“It was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining, it was really, really lovely.

“Loads and loads of people were there. I even beat my son!

“He thought it was awful because he did not do training for it.”

Samantha’s group meets at the City Hotel in Dunfermline on Thursdays at various times between 7.30am and 7pm, and at St Margaret's Parish Church on Fridays at 7.15am and 8.45am.