JJ CHALMERS is looking to find ordinary people who have done extraordinary things in West Fife. 

With the help of the National Lottery, the Dunfermline broadcaster and former Royal Marine has launched a campaign to find 30 game changers from all walks of life who will be honoured later this year.

JJ, who suffered horrific injuries while serving in Afghanistan, is urging the public to choose their local champion from the last three decades.

He said: “During my own recovery journey and involvement with the Invictus Games, I have encountered countless unsung heroes who work tirelessly to improve the lives of people around them. 

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"I think it’s really important that we celebrate these inspirational individuals and thank them for all that they do.

"If you know somebody who has done something amazing with National Lottery funding over the last 30 years, then please take the time to nominate them as a National Lottery game changer.” 

The aim is to recognise outstanding people in the arts, community, heritage and sports categories. 

Thirty game changers will then be celebrated in the autumn with a showstopping moment of national recognition to mark their incredible efforts.

Anyone who has received National Lottery funding or is part of a lottery-funded project is eligible for nomination.   

To nominate, complete the entry form here.