A DIGITAL innovation hub could be a "positive focal point" as plans for regeneration of the city of Dunfermline are drawn up.

That's the view of Dunfermline and West Fife MP Douglas Chapman after a recent visit to see an initiative in Kilmarnock.

The politician, along with Fife Council representatives, went to HALO Digital, Innovation and Cyber Park at Kilmarnock as part of research into potential regeneration plans for the city centre.

They met HALO Urban Regeneration founder and executive chair, Dr Marie Macklin CBE with colleague, former MSP Alex Neil, to see the cyber park for themselves as part of their considerations for the regeneration of the city.

READ MORE: Plan to be drawn up to take forward city status

“From innovative start-ups to hard working scale-ups, Dr Macklin has created an inspirational and vibrant hub at her Halo where entrepreneurs can thrive and grow as part of a dynamic digital and cyber community," said Mr Chapman.

“As well as providing a commercial hub to stimulate enterprise and innovation, the HALO’s ethos of living, working, learning and play includes space for community meet-ups, leisure opportunities and cultural events.

"It also prides itself on its net zero credentials with rooftop solar panels, electric charging points in the parking area and e-bikes available for use."

Mr Chapman said a West Fife equivalent of the facility would be a welcome addition.

“I believe that now Dunfermline has been awarded city status, a HALO equivalent for the city would be a positive focal point to make the very most of our well-educated workforce, our growing population, our existing expertise and burgeoning new talent to create an energetic and inspiring space where businesses and citizens can come together to collaborate and share knowledge," he said.

“The HALO project is just one idea that I think Fife Council could seek to include in the city plan as part of their search for a transformative, multi stakeholder collaboration with community engagement and opportunity at its heart.

"The vision encapsulated in the HALO park could make a real difference to our prosperity and well-being in the here and now, as well as providing future opportunities for our young people.”

Gordon Mole, Head of Business and Employability at Fife Council, said work was continuing to look at plans for the future.

"Fife Council is keen to work with the private sector to build an internationally competitive economy founded on entrepreneurship and innovation, building on investments in the Maygate Exchange and Fife Interchange industrial new build provision, as well as the forthcoming leading academic facility at Dunfermline Learning Campus," he said.

"This is detailed in the ambitions of Fife’s Economic Strategy and can serve proposals to the city plan, which has been developed by a range of stakeholders for Dunfermline."