A TEAM of supermums have succeeded in their goal of opening a revamped play park for children in Hillend.

Stephanie Hubach-Thomson, Emma Cockburn and Lesa Mackenzie swung into action back in 2018 to start fundraising for a new facility as they felt the existing park was dangerous and not fit for purpose to be used.

They raised over £120,000 for a bespoke new park and were delighted to hold an official ceremony at the weekend to mark its opening.

Members of the local community, sponsors and supporters turned out for the event on Saturday afternoon.

READ MORE: Hillend set for new playpark as local mums near fundraising target

The day marked the end of a six-year journey which saw the determined mums overcome a range of hurdles including the covid pandemic and increasing cost targets.

Dunfermline Press: Youngsters enjoying the new Hillend Play Park facility.Youngsters enjoying the new Hillend Play Park facility. (Image: David Wardle)

Stephanie said: "Thanks to the motivation of the members of the group, we pulled each other through the ups and downs to get to the finish line despite the moving target.

"Dozens of application forms, hundreds of emails, a petition gathering in the Asda Foyer, a couple of articles in the Dunfermline Press, a bake sale in the square, a Go Fund Me page, a dedicated Facebook page, lots and lots of meetings on Zoom, on Teams, on site, in the Tav (Hillend Tavern), and literally thousands of WhatsApp messages later, we had finally gathered enough money to get the project to fruition.

Dunfermline Press: Fun at the new play park facility in Hillend.Fun at the new play park facility in Hillend. (Image: David Wardle)

"The actual park installation back in September was probably the shortest part of it all but what satisfaction to see the equipment being put in and the kids excitement to soon be able to use their brand new toys.

"We are just so pleased our children are of the age where they can still enjoy the park for a few years to come."