A FIRST glimpse of what a new community hub in Dalgety Bay could look like has been revealed.

The Dalgety Community Trust are working to establish a £6 million multi-purpose hub in the town and have already carried out extensive consultation with local residents.

The organisation will continue with its engagement with the public - and its quest for funding - in the hope that building work could start at some point in 2026.

It is hoped the facility will become a "vibrant new community hub" which will work as a welcoming space for everyone in Dalgety Bay.

Trust chairperson Phil Evans was pleased to see their plans moving forward.

READ MORE: Architects appointed for new community hub

"It has been slow progress and lots of challenges," he said. "We were fortunate enough to get funding from the council to carry out the full feasibility study and spent the last 12 months working with a team of architects.

"We are really pleased. The feedback we have had since sharing it with members of the community has been good.

"Everything is heading in the right direction. It is a case of raising the money for it now. The council have earmarked £2m for the project but the full project is around £6m so we have some way to go still.

"It is all dependent on funding but we have already started, if you like, the next stage which is taking the design back to the community and saying this is a result of what you told us, is this what you want?"

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Starting with the Dalgety Bay Gala at the weekend, the trust plan to continue their quest to speak to locals to ensure the plans are right.

"We are going to do that over the summer. We have got a firm of consultants working with us who have got a lot of experience working with community groups on projects like ours. They are working on funding for us and they said this is a really fundable project.

"It helps we have got the £2m from Fife Council. We will be looking to get the support of the community to give us the okay over the plans then hopefully in the first half of 2025, we can apply for planning consent then spend the rest of next year raising the rest of the money and start building in 2026.

"It is exciting. We are thrilled to bits with where we are but are taking it one step at a time."

As previously reported by the Press, it is hoped the new facility will replace the existing Fife Council community centre and deliver a building comprising ‘four hubs in one’.

This would include a ‘social hub’ - including a community cafe - to connect people and allow them to use the spaces for enjoyment; an ‘interest hub’, which would bring people together around specific, shared hobbies or interests; a ‘services hub’, where people can connect with, and access, a range of local services; and an ‘enterprise hub’, where people can access working, meeting or trading spaces.