A LOCAL resident said the company that's supposed to maintain and look after his property failed to act when urine and faeces was leaking into his home "for months". 

Another said the factors, Ross and Liddell, who charge a fee for carrying out routine maintenance works and cleaning at Skibo Court, just off New Row, in Dunfermline have "breached their contract so many times".

The two residents, who asked not to be named, came forward after a recent Press story where the company was criticised for failing to repair damage a stone pillar on a listed building which was damaged 16 months ago. 

The main complaint was a communal pipe that was leaking toilet water and worse into their bathroom. They said the stink was awful.

The resident told the Press there was “p**s and s**t coming through, the water from that coming through is leaking into my bath, that’s hazardous to me breathing".

They added: “That’s not something you can hold off. That needs fixed pronto.”

One source had a communal pipe leaking toilet water into his bathroom. One source had a communal pipe leaking toilet water into his bathroom. (Image: Source)

They claimed it took two to three months for the factors to do anything. 

But that wasn’t the end of the problem. When the leak was finally being repaired, the resident received a phone call from a neighbour and added: “The plumber dropped the pipe through the ceiling of the people below me.

"They have basically got a hole in their ceiling through the plumber fixing mine.”

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Environmental health officers even became involved with the issue.

The resident said: “The problem could have been dealt with early if they had sent proper companies out. They just keep saying there’s nothing they can do, it’s an insurance job.

“They do silly things. I was two to three months trying to fix this leak and I saw someone fixing a tiny hole in the hallway ceiling which was nothing.

“The answer to everything is 'You’re gonna have to claim off insurance'.”

The resident was so frustrated that they even started a petition to remove Ross and Liddell as the factors, but it did not get the number of signatures required.

“I love the flat, all the neighbours are nice, great area, I just can’t stand them [Ross and Liddell]. They are just so unprofessional.”

Another resident told the Press of several complaints, such as cleaning not being done properly, the main door lock not working, and a blocked gully, among other issues.

They added: "It’s just a big inconvenience, that’s probably the main thing.

“I have spoken to other owners and they are scared it would impact their credit rating. There are other people who aren’t happy, they just don’t really know what to do about it.

“In my opinion, Ross and Liddell have breached the contract so many times it’s not even valid anymore."

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They added: “They do the minimum they can and get away with it.

“If I complain about cleaning not being done, they say I need to provide evidence of the cleaning not being done. There are dog hairs on the floor but how do you take a photo of it?”

As for the stone pillar, that's now being fixed, with the resident commenting that it was "convenient timing in relation to the (Press) article".

Ross and Liddell were unable to take our call when the Press asked for their side of the story.