CHILDREN at a Rosyth primary school took part in the 3P Pledge Champion Award.

A total of 60 children and teachers at Kings Road Primary School took part in the award from Fife-based environmental education programme, Wild Planet Explorers.

The youngsters had to complete four actions to tackle the issue of sewage related single-use plastic items ending up in our rivers, beaches, and seas.

Examples of such single-use items include razors, tampon applicators, and wet wipes.

These items are often flushed down the toilet (when they shouldn’t be) and then found by beach cleaners.

Pipes are combined sewage and rainwater drains, so in heavy rain, they cannot cope with the amount of water and overflow into seas and rivers, along with all the items that have been flushed away.

Jo said: “It was so inspiring to see the amazing work the children and teachers have done and are still doing! Jo said: “It was so inspiring to see the amazing work the children and teachers have done and are still doing! (Image: Jo McFarlane)

Children learned about the issue, taking responsibility, raising awareness, and taking action. They created posters to educate people on what should and should not be flushed down the toilet.

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They also made up songs to encourage people in the school to not drop litter and learned about persuasive writing techniques. They also spread the word through assembles.

Nicola Ross, P5 teacher, commented: “We took part in Wild Planet Explorers workshop and learned some facts about the amount of plastic and beaches in the oceans.

“These facts horrified us and we set a mission to make everyone in our school and wider local community aware about the things that should and shouldn’t be dropped down the toilet.

Pupils and teachers took the 3P Pledge Champion Award.Pupils and teachers took the 3P Pledge Champion Award. (Image: Jo McFarlane)

“We decided it is time to take responsibility for our actions. We all made the 3P Pledge and ensured all the people in our houses were too.”

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The pupils have also started having a daily litter pick in their playground and have made a chart to see who can collect the most rubbish in their neighbourhoods.

Jo McFarlane, who runs Wild Planet Explorers, said: “It was so inspiring to see the amazing work the children and teachers have done and are still doing!

“Standing up in front of the school to promote the 3P messages is not easy!

“For all the beach cleaners in Fife who pick up bags of sewage related items from our beaches every week, we all say a big thank you!”

If schools or nurseries also want to take the 3P Pledge they can contact Jo by emailing .