DULOCH SPIDERMAN ditched his mask last month as he spent 24 hours doing laps in Calaismuir Woods. 

Dave Roper once again revealed his secret identity and completed the challenge without his super-suit, walking, jogging and cycling an astounding 76 miles, 122 km or 160,000 steps to raise money for his son, Liam's, school. 

He told the Press: "I knew it was going to be tough but it was a good one. It was a really last-minute decision, we only decided to do it 10 days before. I just thought I've been a bit quiet recently and not really done a great deal so I better get something arranged!

"24 hours in the woods, you can't complain. I'm just so glad the weather was how it was, and not how it was on the Sunday, because that would have been a game-changer."

Dave, who consistently goes above and beyond for both the community and the Calaiswood School that Liam attends, has organised countless fundraisers for causes that are close to his heart, all while spreading some superhero magic around the city. 

In the past, he has raised money for Edinburgh's Sick Kid's Hospital, completed a solo challenge which saw him run four miles, every four hours over the course of 96 hours, been skydiving and even went as far as trekking to Everest Base Camp

This time, the challenge was a little closer to home, but that doesn't mean it was any less gruelling. 

He continued: "I took two 15-minute breaks where I actually sat down and fully stopped. Otherwise, I just kept moving. I jumped on the bike for a couple of laps just to let my feet stretch out a bit and give my legs a chance to move and then I just went back to walking and jogging.  

"From 8am it was a lot easier because people were walking laps with me or chatting en route so that made it go a lot quicker, but the first few hours in pitch black and then being on your own from 4-6am ...

"That was tiring because I hadn't been to sleep the night before either so by the time I was finished it was something like 40 hours awake and up, so it was nice to get in bed on the Sunday morning!

"I did think at some point I would be sick of seeing the woods but to be fair, the whole time I really enjoyed being out."

Both Lucy and Liam also joined their dad around the woods for a few laps, showing him support and making sure he kept on moving!

He said: "My daughter came out in between horse riding and playing golf, she managed to get 12 or 13 laps. She got 25k completed herself so she was quite pleased with herself and then I managed to get Liam out on the back of the tandem.  

"It was really nice to have them both involved."

This time, the fundraiser will be going towards purchasing an electric Duet Bike for the Dunfermline school, to give every kid the chance to feel the wind through their hair as they ride a bike. 

"We went to Centre Parcs back in January and we used a duet bike," Dave continued, "It’s basically a wheelchair on the front attached to a bike. When I got back from the holiday, I spoke to the team and said ‘Look I really think the kids that can't ride a bike would love this.’  

"When Liam rode it, his arms were out at both sides and his feet were up in the air because he’s never normally at the front of a bike going fast, he’s either behind me or in a wheelchair being pushed slowly.  

"I just thought, for the kids that have never experienced being on a bike, this is going to be incredible."

The fundraiser raised around £1,000, bringing the total so far to £6,500, and to fully fund it he's aiming to raise £10,000. 

To help him in his fundraising endeavours, visit his GoFundMe page.