This week's winner of the Dunfermline Press Scoop competition, kindly sponsored by Stephens the Bakers, is Frank Wilding of Moncur Street in Townhill.

He is pictured inside Stephens shop on Dunfermline High Street receiving his prize.

Frank – who found Scoop on page 10 of last week's Press – is looking forward to sharing the £50 worth of Stephens vouchers with his family when they head off on their next holiday.

"I sit down every week with my wife Sandra and granddaughter Olivia to look for Scoop," he said. "This is the first time we have ever won it so we're delighted with that.

"We are off to a cottage on a family holiday next week so will be visiting Stephens to stock up on some treats with our vouchers before we set off!"

For the chance to win £50 in Stephens vouchers, tell us on which page in this week’s Press Scoop is hiding.

Email your entry to by Monday, marking ‘Scoop Competition’ in the subject box, and leave your address and phone number.

A correct entry will be drawn at random.